Our Mission Christ Classical Academy

CCA has chosen to adopt Memoria Press curriculum at all grade levels.

“Joining Christian families in classically educating students to become the salt of the earth and the light of the world.”

Ultimately, we believe education is best when families join teachers in the process, when we classically educate students how to think instead of what to think, and when we give our students the opportunities to put their knowledge of the Bible into action by serving our community, our region, our state, our country, and our world.

Joining Christian Families 

Joining Families"Joining Christian families" is the first directive in our three-fold mission statement and is perhaps what creates the unique family feeling we cherish at our school. First and foremost, CCA believes that parents are the primary educators of their children, and our role as an educational institution is to join families in the pursuit and achievement of their educational goals. Therefore, our relationship with CCA families is a partnership. Furthermore, we value the involvement of the family unit in the daily goings-on of our school, so we have an open campus to encourage families to be involved as much as possible. Additionally, we support open communication among teachers and our families to ensure students' success on all fronts. Lastly, we are a school for Christian families and are blessed to have the freedom to support non-denominational Christian values on our campus that align with the Christian values parents are already instilling in their children at home.

Classically Educating

Classically EducatingIn our endeavor to join families in classically educating students, we have chosen an educational process that employs the classical trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages) and teaches students how to think instead of teaching them what to think with all subjects presented through the lens of a Biblical worldview. CCA has chosen to adopt Memoria Press curriculum at all grade levels. Memoria Press has attained time-tested results with schools achieving test scores in the top 1% of the nation. At CCA, the eyes and ears of students will be trained with classical literature and a thorough study of grammar, composition, spelling, cursive writing, and Latin. All of these components provide the framework for a process of graduating students who speak articulately and write with beauty, clarity, and power. Furthermore, our mathematics program utilizes an age-appropriate scope and sequence as we believe in allowing sufficient time for the mastery of basic skills needed for upper-level math. Science taught from a Biblical worldview and the history of the great men of the Middle Ages, Greece, Rome, and the founders of America for a complete, thorough study of all core subjects. Beyond the core subjects, our students also study logic and Bible. The study of logic gives students the ability to form logical arguments both in writing and in speaking that are rooted in truth instead of fallacy and emotion. Our non-denominational Bible curriculum guides students through the story of God's love and redemption and equips them with the tools needed to study their Bibles into adulthood. Because we are a private school, we do not participate in annual state testing mandated for public schools. On the contrary, the focus of our curriculum is teaching students how to think and learn, and the results of this approach are proven on a daily basis through the amount of information that is memorized, mastered, and tested by end-of-chapter assessments. We do, however, administer a standardized test (ITBS) once a year for K-8th grades as an additional tool to measure our curriculum's success.

Salt & Light

Salt and LightCCA is committed to joining families in producing young men and women who know, love, and serve the Lord. We desire not only that our students learn about and understand the Bible, but that they are also taught what it means to put faith into action. CCA utilizes the following programs to encourage students to become the salt of the earth and the light of the world:

  • We begin each day with Focus, a morning assembly where students, faculty, and staff come together to begin the day in praise and worship. Students sing praise songs; recite pledges, the school mission, the quarterly memory verse, and our anchor verse (1 Timothy 4:12); and end with school announcements, our school prayer, and a benediction (Psalm 19:14). Upper school students are assigned Focus jobs and help lead in many capacities.
  • On Wednesdays, we have chapel services featuring speakers who give students a more in-depth understanding of the quarter’s memory verse and virtue.
  • Fuel Retreat takes place at the beginning of each school year for students in the upper school. The primary goal is to strengthen our body of students to grow in their relationship with the Lord and return "on fire" to be spiritual leaders both in our school and in our community. Re-Fuel takes place at the beginning of the second semester to encourage students to refocus and recommit.
  • The Salt and Light Project was adopted to fulfill both the Great Commission and our school mission; it teaches our students to be intentional about being salt and light in our local community, our region/state, our nation, and our world. Every week a different group of students serves their assigned organization. By the end of each school year, the CCA student body will have actively served once per week for 30 weeks. Prior to graduation, CCA students will have the opportunity to participate in both a domestic and international mission trip.