Our Dress Code Christ Classical Academy

Christ Classical Academy’s dress code guidelines are in place to limit distractions in the classroom and to enhance the overall learning experience of students. Dress code guidelines are evaluated annually. CCA parents will receive an edited copy of dress code guidelines for the upcoming school year in summer packets. Please see below for the current school year’s dress code guidelines.

Students are expected to comply with the CCA dress code. Teachers check dress code complians at the beginning of each school day. Students who are in violation of the dress code will receive dress code infractions.


  • Bottoms
    • Pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers must be solid khaki, navy, gray, or navy/gold plaid (skirts and jumpers). Cargo pants/shorts, athletic pants/shorts, sweats, and leggings worn as pants are not acceptable.
    • Leggings and tights worn under dresses and skirts must be solid and school colors (white, navy, gray, light blue, or khaki). Patterned leggings and tights, such as polka dots and stripes, are not acceptable.
    • Shorts, skorts, skirts, jumpers, and dresses must be no shorter than four inches above the knee in both the front and the back. Girls must wear shorts or leggings under skirts and dresses.
    • Girls are not required to wear belts.
  • Dresses
    • Dresses may be worn in solid navy, white, khaki, gray, or light blue. Dresses must have a collar or be worn with a collared shirt underneath. Girls must wear shorts or leggings under dresses and skirts. Dresses must be no shorter than four inches above the knee in both the front and the back.
  • Shirts
    • Button-down collared shirts or polo shirts are required and may be long-sleeved or short-sleeved. Large logos other than the CCA crest are not permitted. Turtlenecks may be worn under sweaters or jumpers rather than a collared shirt but cannot be worn alone.
    • All shirts must be solid white, light blue, navy, or gray and solid in color. Purchasing shirts from school uniform lines such as Lands End, French Toast, Old Navy, and Children’s Place ensures that colors are acceptable.
    • Girls do not have to tuck in shirts if the polo is feminine fit. Shirttails must extend to at least mid-pocket on pants but not below the bottom of the pocket. There should be no gaps between shirt and pants when sitting. Shirts must not be excessively baggy or tight.
  • Other Items
    • Closed-toe, closed-heel shoes are required at all times. Shoes should be comfortable enough for PE and recess. Sneakers in the school colors are encouraged. Light-up shoes as well as Crocs, clogs, sandals, hard-soled boots, and shoes with wheels are not permitted.
    • Socks are not required with ballet flats, Toms, etc. Socks must be solid and school colors (white, navy, gray, or light blue).
    • Modest amounts of makeup may be worn in 5th grade and up.
    • Jewelry in modest amounts is permissible. Girls may wear stud earrings (not dangly); one bracelet, one ring on each hand, one necklace, and one watch. Other visible piercings are not allowed to be displayed at school. In the event that a student has piercings aside from the ear lobes, the students must wear clear spacers/plugs in the piercings while at CCA and school events. Smart watches (Apple Watch, Fitbit, etc.) are not permitted as they are a distraction in the learning environment.
    • Hair must be kept clean, neatly groomed, and should not cover the eyebrows. Hair colors must be natural. Girls may not wear shaved hair, cuts/styles that are traditionally given to boys, or extreme styles such as mohawks and mullets. Because of the ever-changing nature of trends, it is impossible to account for all hair styles; therefore, administration can determine whether specific cuts/styles, including hair accessories, conform to the spirit of neatness, cleanliness, and orderliness that the school requires. Students/parents will be asked to modify cuts/styles that are considered extreme or which could cause a distraction in the educational environment. Students’ age, gender, ethnicity, and culture may be taken into consideration when determining what hairstyles are appropriate for school at CCA.
    • All accessories worn in class (hair bows, scarves, etc.) must be school colors (white, navy, gray, light blue, khaki, or gold).
    • Tattoos—temporary or permanent—are not permitted. This includes drawing on skin with markers, pens, etc. Should a student have a permanent tattoo prior to joining CCA, it must be completely covered at all times—including during school events.


  • Bottoms
    • Pants or shorts must be solid khaki, navy, or gray. Cargo pants/shorts, athletic pants/shorts, sweats, and leggings worn as pants are not acceptable.
    • Boys 3rd grade and up are required to wear belts.
  • Shirts
    • Button-down collared shirts or polo shirts are required and may be long-sleeved or short-sleeved. Large logos other than the CCA crest are not permitted. Turtlenecks may be worn under sweaters rather than a collared shirt but cannot be worn alone.
    • All shirts must be solid white, light blue, navy, or gray. Purchasing shirts from school uniform lines such as Lands End, French Toast, Old Navy, and Children’s Place ensures that colors are acceptable. Boys in 3rd grade and up must tuck in shirts at all times. Boys in Pre-K-2nd grades do not have to tuck in shirts, but this should be taught as a skill at home in preparation for older grades.
  • Other Items
    • Closed-toe, closed-heel shoes are required at all times. Shoes should be comfortable enough for PE and recess. Sneakers in school colors are encouraged. Light-up shoes as well as Crocs, clogs, sandals, hard-soled boots, and shoes with wheels are not permitted.
    • Socks are not required with slip-on dress shoes or loafers. Socks must be solid and school colors (white, navy, gray, or light blue).
    • Jewelry in modest amounts is permissible. Boys may wear one bracelet, one necklace, and one watch. Smart watches (Apple Watch, Fitbit, etc.) are not permitted as they are a distraction in the learning environment. Earrings for boys and other visible piercings are not allowed to be displayed at school. In the event that a student has piercings, the students must wear clear spacers/plugs in the piercings while at CCA and school events.
    • Hair is to be kept clean, neatly groomed, and worn so that it does not cover the eyebrows. Hair must be no longer than chin length in any area. Hair color must be natural. Tails, extreme cuts (mohawks and mullets for example), hair accessories, and ponytails/buns on boys are not permitted. Facial hair is not permitted. Because of the ever-changing nature of trends, it is impossible to account for all hair styles; therefore, administration can determine whether specific cuts/styles conform to the spirit of neatness, cleanliness, and orderliness that the school requires. Students/parents will be asked to modify haircuts/styles that are considered extreme or which could cause a distraction in the educational environment. Students’ age, gender, ethnicity, and culture may be taken into consideration when determining what hairstyles are appropriate for school at CCA.
    • All accessories (ties, cloth belts, etc.) must be school colors.
    • Tattoos—temporary or permanent—are not permitted. This includes drawing on skin with markers, pens, etc. Should a student have a permanent tattoo prior to joining CCA, it must be completely covered at all times—including during school events.

Chapel Attire

  • Lower School Chapel Attire
    Pre-K-5th grades must wear the following required chapel attire on chapel days:
    • White polo or white button-down shirt with the school crest embroidered on the left chest
      ○ Shirts can be long-sleeved or short-sleeved.
      • SezSew, located in downtown Dyersburg, can embroider the school crest on shirts.
      • Navi shorts or pants for boys and girls OR...Plaid skirts for girls (blue gold plaid from French Toast or classic navy plaid from Lands End)
        • Skirts must be no shorter than four inches above the knee in both the front and the back.
        • Girls must wear shorts or leggings under skirts.
  • Upper School Chapel Attire
    Upper school students are required to wear a more formal chapel uniform.

    6th-12th grade boys must wear the following required chapel attire on chapel days:
    • For 6th-8th grade boys, the school crest must be embroidered on the left chest.
      • SezSew, located in downtown Dyersburg, can embroider the school crest on shirts.
    • Shirts must be tucked in.
    • If 6th-8th grade boys choose to wear an additional layer over their shirt, it must be a navy blazer.
    • Khaki pants
    • White button-up shirt
    • Plaid necktie (classic navy plaid from Lands End is required)
    • For 9th-12th grade boys, a navy blazer is required to be worn the entire school day (can be removed at lunch and during art).
      • The school crest is not required on blazers. High school boys will receive a school crest pin to wear on blazers.
    • Navy or brown belt and navy or brown dress shoes

6th-12th grade girls must wear the following required chapel attire on chapel days:

    • Plaid skirt (blue gold plaid from French Toast or classic navy plaid from Lands End)
      • Skirts must be no shorter than four inches above the knee in both the front and the back.
      • Girls must wear shorts or leggings under skirts.
        • Leggings or tights must be navy blue.
        • Navy or white knee socks are acceptable.
        • Nude hosiery is acceptable.
    • Short-sleeved or long-sleeved white button-up shirt
      • For 6th-8th grade girls, the school crest must be embroidered on the left chest.
      • Shirts must be tucked in.
      • If 6th-8th grade girls choose to wear a cardigan over the white button-up, it must be navy in color. A navy blazer is also acceptable.
    • For 9th-12th grade girls, a navy blazer or navy cardigan is required to be worn the entire school day (can be removed at lunch and during art).
      • The school crest is not required on blazers. High school girls will receive a school crest pin to wear on blazers.
      • If wearing a navy cardigan, the school crest must be embroidered on the left chest.
        • SezSew, located in downtown Dyersburg, can embroider the school crest on shirts.
    • Navy or brown dress shoes, saddle oxfords, or ankle boots
      • For dress shoes, options may include flats, loafers, and Mary Janes.


Light jackets or sweaters worn in class must be solid white, navy, gray, light blue, khaki, or gold. Large logos on light jackets and sweaters worn in class are not permitted unless it is a school logo. Pullover sweaters worn in class must allow the shirt collar to be visible. Coats may be worn to school but may not be worn in class. There is no color specification on coats. Spirit-wear (such as hoodies) may not be worn as outerwear Monday-Thursday.

Spirit Wear Fridays & Field Trip Attire

Spirit-wear is sold through an online spirit-wear store overseen by the CCA administration team. Students are required to purchase at least one spirit-wear shirt. Sport-specific spirit-wear will be for sale prior to the upcoming season. Students may wear CCA spirit-wear shirts with jeans/modest athletic wear shorts, pants, leggings/ruffle knit pants, or joggers on Fridays if they have not received a dress code infraction during the week. Hats purchased from the online spirit-wear store may be worn on Fridays; students may be asked to take off their hats and put them away if they become a distraction in the classroom.

Field trip attire will either be spirit-wear or chapel attire. The teacher in charge will assign the dress code according to planned activities.

Any time a student dresses out of uniform (including spirit-wear Fridays, team game days, high school dress out days, using a dress code pass, and all other days when the student is not in regular uniform), a spirit of modesty must be maintained, including but not limited to the following guidelines:

  • Jeans must be modest and not have any holes or frays.
  • Shorts and skirts must extend past the fingertips when standing with shoulders relaxed.
  • Shirts must be modest (for example, no off-the-shoulder or low-cut styles, cropped tops, or spaghetti straps).
  • If leggings are worn as pants, shirts must completely cover the bottom at all times and may not be higher in the front than in the back.

High School PE

High school PE students may be required to dress out for PE classes. The PE teacher will set the dress out guidelines as a part of his/her class syllabus. As a general rule, clothes worn for PE classes must be modest. (NOTE: modest means if wearing leggings, shirts cover the bottom AND athletic shorts & skirts must be fingertip length)

School-Sponsored Events

Students may be dismissed from school-sponsored events if their attire does not conform to a spirit of cleanliness and modesty, as determined by CCA administration.

Dress Code Infractions

Spirit-wear Fridays are a reward for students who are in compliance with the dress code during the week. Students who violate the dress code will receive a dress code infraction and cannot wear spirit wear t-shirts and jeans the Friday after they received an infraction. All dress code infractions will be documented, and infractions, including those on dress-down days, will have the following consequences in upper school:

1st Infraction: Warning (will be documented) & cannot participate in the next spirit-wear Friday. The student may need to call home for appropriate clothing, depending on the infraction.

2nd Infraction: Cannot participate in the next spirit-wear Friday. The student must call home for different clothing.

3rd Infraction: Cannot participate in any dress-down days (including team jersey days and out-of-uniform passes) for the rest of the quarter. The student must call home for different clothing.

4th Infraction: Cannot participate in any dress down days (including team jersey days and out-of-uniform passes) for the rest of the semester and will have detention. The student must call home for different clothing.

5th Infraction: Cannot participate in dress-down days or use out-of-uniform passes for the remainder of the year and will have detention. The student must call home for different clothing. Subsequent offenses: The student will be sent home for the day.

Donated Uniforms
CCA no longer accepts donated uniforms. There is a CCA Uniform Swap Facebook page in order to connect CCA families with each other to facilitate uniform swapping. Please arrange an exchange of uniforms amongst yourselves instead of using the CCA office for a drop-off location.